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Sharesies NZ

Sharesies NZ: the Kiwi company democratizing personal finances

Imagine a world where the stock market isn’t just a playground for the affluent; where the barriers to financial growth crumble, giving way to a landscape where everyone, from the student saving pocket change to the professional diversifying their portfolio, can participate. This is the vision that propelled Sharesies onto the investment scene—ushering in an era of financial empowerment through accessibility.

In the bustling markets of New Zealand and Australia, Sharesies has carved out a niche, amassing a user base of over 600,000 investors. The platform’s allure? A user-friendly app paired with a competitive fee structure, making it a beacon for those previously intimidated by the complex world of investing.

With a mission to level the playing field, the Sharesies app offers a gateway to investment opportunities for individuals wielding modest sums alongside those commanding substantial financial firepower.

The spirit of Sharesies resonates with a community ethos; it’s a platform that doesn’t just facilitate investment—it educates and nurtures. As we peel back the layers of this financial phenomenon, we find a commitment to innovation, equity, and a greener future.

Understanding how Sharesies works

The Sharesies platform stands as a testament to the power of financial inclusion, offering a straightforward pathway for individuals to embark on their investment journey. The process begins with the simplicity of setting up an account—a procedure that is as uncomplicated as it is swift.

Setting up your investment account

To start, prospective investors create their Sharesies account, a process designed for ease of use and accessibility. The initial deposit can be as minimal as $5, positioning Sharesies as a platform within reach for many. Once registered, users can navigate through an intuitive interface, setting the stage for investment without the need for significant capital.

Making your first investments

With an account in place, users can then direct funds into a variety of investment options. Sharesies offers a diverse array of assets, including over 8,000 shares and funds across New Zealand, Australian, and US markets. This breadth of choice empowers investors to diversify their portfolios and engage with the global economy.

Managing investments on the go

Through the Sharesies app—available as both Sharesies NZ app and its international counterpart—investors have the luxury of managing their portfolios at their fingertips. The app’s design prioritizes user experience, ensuring that monitoring investments, adjusting portfolios, and executing trades can be done with minimal fuss and maximum efficiency.

Financial inclusion at its core

At the heart of app Sharesies is a commitment to financial inclusion. The platform’s model is built on the premise that everyone should have the opportunity to grow their wealth. Whether it’s a fractional share in a tech giant or a stake in a burgeoning startup, Sharesies dismantles the traditional barriers that have kept the financial markets exclusive.

A world of investment opportunities

The platform’s approach extends beyond shares; it encompasses various investment funds and even introduces options like Sharesies Save, an on-call savings account with a competitive interest rate. This expansion of services continues to reflect the platform’s dedication to providing a comprehensive suite of tools for financial growth and wealth development.

Sharesies has demonstrated that investment need not be the preserve of the wealthy or the well-versed in financial jargon. It operates on the principle that with the right tools and a supportive environment, anyone can participate in the investment arena and work toward financial empowerment. Through a combination of a user-friendly interface, educational resources, and a diverse range of investment options, Sharesies has indeed made investing accessible to the masses.

Sharesies fees

Sharesies fee structure: what investors need to know

In the realm of investing, understanding the fee structure of a platform is as essential as selecting the right assets. Sharesies, known for its egalitarian approach to investing, revised its fee schedule in December 2022. This change is significant for both potential and current investors who must navigate these costs while managing their portfolios.

A closer look at the new fee schedule

Sharesies’ fee adjustment marked a shift in the cost of investing on the platform. The brokerage fees, previously around 0.50%, saw an uptick to 1.90%. This increase brings a new dynamic to the table; investors now face higher costs when buying and selling shares. It’s crucial to note that for New Zealand shares, the fees are capped at 1.90% with a $25 NZD ceiling, while US and Australian shares follow similar structures with their respective caps.

When dealing with investments across borders, foreign exchange fees come into play. These fees are additional costs that investors incur when they convert their funds to invest in overseas markets. Sharesies applies these fees on top of the brokerage charges, which means investors engaging with international markets need to factor this into their investment strategy.

Assessing the impact of fee increases

The implications of the fee rise extend beyond the immediate outlay of funds. Investors must consider the long-term effects on their investment returns. Higher fees can eat into potential profits, particularly for those who trade frequently or with smaller amounts. It’s a balance between the platform’s ease of use and the increased cost of transactions.

In the financial services industry, fees can vary widely. Sharesies’ fee increase places it in a different bracket compared to its inception. However, it remains a competitive option, especially for those valuing the platform’s unique offerings. When juxtaposed with industry standards, Sharesies still maintains an edge in accessibility, despite the raised fees.

Subscription packages: balancing cost and value

Sharesies hasn’t just adjusted fees; they’ve also provided value through subscription packages. These bundles offer a way for investors to manage costs while accessing enhanced features and services. The platform’s commitment to user experience and financial education remains a core value proposition, even as the fee landscape evolves.

The bottom line on fees and investment returns

Investors are always calculating the potential return on their investments, and fees play a critical role in this equation. With the revised fee structure, it’s imperative for users of Sharesies to stay informed and adapt their investment strategies accordingly. The platform’s transparency with costs ensures that investors can make knowledgeable decisions about their financial endeavors.

As Sharesies continues to grow and adapt, the fee structure will remain a pivotal aspect for users to consider. The platform’s dedication to providing a wide range of investment options and financial literacy resources underscores its ongoing commitment to democratize investing, even in the face of necessary fiscal adjustments.

Is Sharesies safe? Assessing platform security

Humans nowadays spend not only their time, but also their money online using innovative online shopping and investing t0ols. Investors in particular therefore prioritize security when it comes to managing their hard-earned money online. Sharesies, understanding the gravity of this concern, has established several measures to ensure the safety of its users’ investments and personal data.

Protecting personal information and investments

The digital fortress of Sharesies is built with robust cybersecurity protocols designed to safeguard personal information. The platform incorporates advanced encryption methods to secure data transmission, ensuring that users’ details remain confidential. In addition, the platform’s infrastructure is regularly updated to combat emerging online threats, reflecting a proactive stance in digital defense.

Building trust within the investor community

Trust is the cornerstone of any financial service, and Sharesies has fostered this through consistent performance and reliability. The growing community of over 600,000 investors is a testament to the confidence users place in the platform. By maintaining transparent communication and providing responsive customer support, Sharesies nurtures a sense of security among its users.

Regulatory environment compliance

Operating within the financial sector means adhering to stringent regulatory standards. Sharesies complies with the regulations set forth by financial authorities in New Zealand and Australia. This compliance ensures that the platform meets high standards for operation, further solidifying its position as a trustworthy investment avenue.

Certifications that reinforce credibility

Sharesies’ commitment to security and sustainability is underscored by its status as a Certified B Corp and its carbon-neutral certification. These accolades are not merely for show—they reflect an organization that takes its social and environmental responsibilities seriously, which includes the way it handles user data and investments.

Conclusion on platform security

The security measures, community trust, and adherence to regulatory requirements form a triad of trust for Sharesies. While the platform’s user-friendly interface and accessible investment options draw users in, it is the unwavering commitment to security that keeps them engaged. Investors can rest assured that with Sharesies, their investments are not only accessible but also secure.

Sharesies KiwiSaver: a new avenue for retirement savings

KiwiSaver schemes have become a cornerstone of retirement planning in New Zealand, offering a structured way for individuals to save for their golden years. Sharesies introduces its own flavor to this essential financial service, integrating KiwiSaver schemes within its innovative investment platform. Here, we delve into the specifics of what Sharesies brings to the table for those preparing for retirement.

KiwiSaver schemes through sharesies

Sharesies extends its philosophy of inclusivity to retirement savings, providing options that cater to a range of financial goals and investor profiles. The platform’s approach to KiwiSaver schemes promises to mesh seamlessly with its broader investment offerings, allowing users to manage their retirement savings with the same ease and flexibility they’ve come to expect from Sharesies.

Investors can choose from a variety of KiwiSaver funds, each with different risk profiles and asset allocations. This variety enables users to align their retirement savings strategy with their long-term financial aspirations, be it growth, stability, or a balance of both.

Benefits of managing KiwiSaver on sharesies

One of the notable benefits of managing KiwiSaver through Sharesies is the continuity of experience. Users familiar with the platform’s interface for other investments will find a consistent user journey when it comes to their KiwiSaver account. Moreover, the convenience of having retirement savings alongside other investment portfolios on a single platform streamlines the investment management process, potentially making it less daunting for users to stay on top of their financial planning.

Furthermore, Sharesies’ educational resources can help demystify retirement planning. Investors gain access to tools and information that can aid in making informed decisions about their KiwiSaver contributions and fund selections.

Comparing traditional KiwiSaver offerings with sharesies

Traditional KiwiSaver offerings often come with their own sets of advantages, such as established track records and specific financial advisory services. However, Sharesies stands out by leveraging technology to enhance user experience and offering a high degree of flexibility and control over one’s retirement savings.

Investors on Sharesies can adjust their KiwiSaver contributions and switch between funds with relative ease—a level of agility that may not always be as readily available with traditional schemes. Additionally, the platform’s fee structures are transparent, and the ability to invest in fractional shares extends to KiwiSaver accounts, potentially allowing for more granular control over retirement investments.

KiwiSaver as part of a holistic investment strategy

Sharesies KiwiSaver options are not isolated products but integral components of a broader investment strategy. Users can view their KiwiSaver balance alongside other investments, providing a comprehensive picture of their financial health. This holistic view can be particularly beneficial for those who wish to consider their retirement savings as part of a larger asset allocation strategy.

In conclusion, Sharesies offers a fresh take on KiwiSaver schemes, aligning them with the platform’s overarching goal of democratizing the investment process. By integrating retirement savings with the wider array of investment options, Sharesies empowers users to take charge of their financial future with confidence and clarity.

Whether an investor is just starting out or looking to optimize their existing retirement plan, Sharesies provides the tools and flexibility to tailor a retirement savings strategy that fits their unique needs.

The sharesies savings account: a high-interest option

Sharesies Save introduces a savings account with an interest rate that commands attention. At 4.60% p.a., this high-interest offering stands out in a market where traditional savings accounts often fall short in terms of yield. Investors looking for a haven for their funds, with the added perk of interest earnings, may find Sharesies Save an attractive proposition.

Fee structure: maximizing your savings

Notably, Sharesies Save operates without fees, setting it apart from many savings accounts that chip away at your interest with maintenance charges. The absence of fees means that the interest you earn is yours to keep—enhancing the overall growth of your savings.

Accessibility: savings without constraints

True to the ethos of Sharesies, the savings account is designed with accessibility in mind. There are no restrictions on access to funds, allowing investors to deposit or withdraw at their leisure. This feature provides a fluid experience for users who value both the growth and availability of their funds.

Integrating savings with investment: a unified financial experience

The inclusion of Sharesies Save within the investment platform presents a unified financial experience. Investors can manage their savings alongside their investment portfolios, simplifying their financial oversight. The convenience of this integration cannot be overstated; it allows for a streamlined approach to managing both short-term liquidity and long-term investment goals.

Standing out in the savings account market

In a crowded marketplace, Sharesies Save distinguishes itself not only through its high-interest rates and fee structure but also through its commitment to the platform’s core values. The ease with which users can toggle between saving and investing reflects the innovative spirit of Sharesies. It’s this blend of functionality and user-centric design that positions Sharesies Save as a noteworthy contender in the realm of personal finance.

Sharesies continues to broaden its appeal by offering a savings account that aligns with its mission of financial empowerment. With Sharesies Save, the platform extends its reach, providing a high-interest option that complements its diverse investment offerings. Investors now have the flexibility to manage their finances holistically, taking advantage of the growth potential in both the savings and investment sectors.

Sharesies NZ review: user experiences and platform performance

Investors across New Zealand have embraced Sharesies for its promise of financial inclusion and the platform’s performance has been a topic of robust discussion. A significant number of users praise the platform for its straightforward app interface, which enables them to manage their portfolios with ease. The app’s design, functionality, and navigability receive commendation, allowing even novices to step confidently into the world of investments.

Investment opportunities: a wealth of options

The array of investment opportunities available through Sharesies garners positive attention. Users appreciate the access to a wide spectrum of markets, including over 8,000 assets across New Zealand, Australian, and US markets. The platform’s ability to offer fractional shares has democratized investing, enabling users to diversify their portfolios without requiring substantial initial capital.

Feedback on fee changes

However, the recent fee increase from around 0.50% to 1.90% has been a point of contention among users. While some understand the necessity of fee adjustments in the evolving financial services sector, others express concern about how these changes might affect their investment strategy, especially for those with smaller portfolios or who engage in frequent trading.

Balancing act: fees versus features

Despite the criticism surrounding the fee hike, many users continue to find value in the platform’s subscription packages. These packages offer a range of features that cater to different investor needs, striking a balance between cost and access to Sharesies’ comprehensive investment tools.

The verdict from users

The platform’s performance and user experience have been met with both enthusiasm and critique. The recent adjustments to Sharesies’ fee structure have been a focal point for users, prompting discussions about the implications for individual investment returns. Yet, the platform’s commitment to financial education, coupled with its user-friendly app and diverse investment options, maintains its appeal among the investor community in New Zealand.

Empowering every investor

In conclusion, Sharesies stands as a testament to innovation in financial technology, a beacon for those seeking to navigate the investment waters with confidence. The platform’s commitment to education, coupled with its robust investment and savings options, fortifies its position as a leading choice for investors. Whether through the Sharesies NZ app or the web interface, users are equipped to take command of their financial destinies, reinforcing the platform’s role as a catalyst for widespread investment participation.

online shopping

Container Door NZ: Revolutionizing Shopping with a Unique Approach

Container Door is a company that has taken a unique approach to shopping, providing customers with a wide range of products at factory-direct prices. This article will delve into the company’s business model, services, and impact on consumer shopping experiences while exploring the benefits and potential drawbacks of Container Door’s approach.

What Container Door Does and the Services Provided

Container Door is an innovative company that operates by sourcing products directly from factories and delivering them to consumers without the added cost of middlemen, retail stores, or brand markups. This allows Container Door to offer quality products at significantly reduced prices. The company’s services cater to a wide range of product categories, including home and garden, sports and leisure, electronics, and more.

How Container Door Sources Products

Container Door maintains relationships with reputable manufacturers and suppliers around the world. The company leverages these connections to source products directly from factories, bypassing the traditional supply chain and passing the savings onto customers. By cutting out intermediaries, Container Door can offer lower prices and maintain a transparent pricing model.

Impact on Consumer Shopping Experiences

Container Door’s approach to shopping has several benefits for consumers. First and foremost, the company’s factory-direct pricing model allows customers to save money on a wide range of products. By eliminating middlemen and retail markups, Container Door can offer significant discounts on items that would typically be more expensive in traditional retail settings.

Additionally, Container Door’s unique approach provides customers with the opportunity to discover new products and brands that may not be widely available through other retail channels. This helps to diversify the market and encourage competition, ultimately benefiting consumers.

Product Categories and How Their Services Work

Container Door offers a wide variety of product categories, ensuring that customers can find items that suit their needs and preferences. For example:

  • Home and garden essentials
  • Sports and leisure equipment
  • Electronics

The company strives to provide a diverse range of options for consumers. To access Container Door’s services, customers simply visit the website, browse the available products, and place an order. Once the order is placed, the company sources the products directly from the factory and ships them to the customer. This streamlined process helps to keep prices low and ensures that customers receive their items as quickly as possible.

Benefits and Potential Drawbacks of Container Door’s Approach

There are several benefits to Container Door’s approach to shopping, including lower prices and access to a diverse range of products. However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. One possible downside is that, since the company bypasses traditional supply chains, customers may experience longer wait times for their orders compared to traditional retail channels. Additionally, some consumers may prefer the in-person shopping experience and the opportunity to try out products before purchasing.


Container Door NZ has revolutionized the shopping experience by providing customers with factory-direct pricing and a diverse range of products. While there may be some drawbacks to this approach, the benefits of lower prices and access to unique items make Container Door a compelling option for many consumers. With its innovative business model

and commitment to customer satisfaction, Container Door continues to make a significant impact on the way people shop for their everyday needs.

In conclusion, Container Door NZ offers a unique shopping experience that caters to consumers who value affordability, variety, and the convenience of shopping online. By sourcing products directly from factories and cutting out the middlemen, Container Door can provide customers with quality items at competitive prices.

While there are potential drawbacks, such as longer wait times for deliveries and the lack of an in-person shopping experience, the overall benefits of Container Door’s approach make it an attractive option for many individuals seeking to save money and discover new products. As the company continues to grow and refine its services, it is likely that Container Door will become an increasingly popular choice for consumers in New Zealand and beyond.

Floor lamp

Shining a Light on Innovation: Eurotech Lighting’s Sustainable Solutions

Eurotech Lighting, a New Zealand-based company, is revolutionizing the lighting industry with innovative, sustainable, and cost-effective lighting solutions. This blog post will explore the evolution of lighting solutions over time, highlight Eurotech Lighting’s offerings, and examine their impact on the environment and cost savings.

Lighting solutions have come a long way from traditional incandescent bulbs to more advanced and energy-efficient LED technology. The need for innovative lighting solutions has increased as the demand for sustainable and cost-effective lighting options has risen. Eurotech Lighting, a New Zealand-based company, is at the forefront of this innovation, offering an extensive range of lighting solutions that cater to different environments and applications.

Evolution of Lighting Solutions

The evolution of lighting solutions has been driven by the need for more energy-efficient and sustainable options. Incandescent bulbs, which dominated the market for a long time, were highly inefficient, converting only 5% of the energy they consumed into visible light. This led to the development of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) that were more efficient but contained toxic mercury, posing an environmental hazard.

In recent years, LED technology has taken over the market due to its high energy efficiency, long lifespan, and low maintenance costs. LED lighting solutions are available in various forms, including bulbs, strips, panels, and tubes, and can be customized to suit specific lighting needs. Eurotech Lighting has been a key player in this transition, offering a wide range of LED lighting solutions.

Eurotech Lighting Solutions

Enter Eurotech Lighting. This company, which was founded in 1966, is the largest lighting manufacturer in New Zealand, and has made it their mission to provide Kiwis with the best and most efficient lighting solutions. Their product range includes architectural, commercial, and residential lighting solutions. That’s why you might find their stylish products at your hotel when visiting the NZ innovation capitol Queenstown.

Their innovative LED lighting solutions cater to different environments, from retail and hospitality to public spaces and homes. Eurotech Lighting has been at the forefront of developing new technologies that not only provide high-quality lighting but also contribute to sustainable and cost-effective lighting options. At the same time, they’ve made it a mission to remain affordable.

Benefits of Eurotech Lighting Solutions

In addition to being sustainable and energy-efficient, Eurotech Lighting’s solutions also offer other benefits. For instance, their products are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and can enhance the ambiance of any space. Their products range from sleek and modern designs to classic and elegant ones, making them suitable for any décor style.

Eurotech Lighting’s solutions can also result in significant cost savings. For instance, LED lighting consumes significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and lasts up to 25 times longer, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.


The lighting industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, driven by the need for sustainable and cost-effective solutions. Eurotech Lighting, a New Zealand-based company, has been at the forefront of these changes, offering innovative and energy-efficient lighting solutions. Their products not only contribute to a sustainable future but also offer other benefits such as aesthetics and cost savings. With the growing demand for sustainable lighting solutions, Eurotech Lighting’s offerings are set to revolutionize the industry and contribute to a better future.

Lego technic car

LEGO Technic: The Ultimate Building Experience for Innovative Kiwi Builders

LEGO Technic has taken the world of construction toys to a whole new level, offering a unique and immersive building experience for both children and adults. By combining the fun of traditional LEGO bricks with advanced engineering concepts, LEGO Technic allows builders to create complex, functional models that mimic real-world machines. In this article, we will provide an overview of LEGO Technic, explore the innovation behind these incredible toys, and highlight some of the most popular models available in New Zealand.

Innovation at the Heart of LEGO Technic

Since its introduction in 1977, LEGO Technic has continuously evolved to offer a more advanced and sophisticated building experience. By incorporating specialised pieces such as gears, axles, connectors, and beams, LEGO Technic sets enable the creation of complex mechanisms and structures. The integration of these elements not only teaches builders about engineering principles but also develops problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

One of the most significant innovations in recent years is the integration of app-controlled sets, allowing builders to control their models using a smartphone or tablet. The app provides additional features, such as programming and customisation options, adding a new dimension of innovation and creativity to LEGO Technic. This feature has significantly enhanced the building experience, making it even more engaging and exciting.

LEGO Technic Sets Available in New Zealand

LEGO Technic Liebherr R 9800 Excavator (42100)

One of the most intricate LEGO Technic models available in New Zealand is the Liebherr R 9800 Excavator. With over 4,100 pieces, this set offers a challenging build and features numerous motorised functions, including a rotating superstructure, working boom and bucket, and realistic tracks. In addition, builders can control the model via a smartphone app, adding interactivity to an already immersive building experience.

LEGO Technic Bugatti Chiron (42083)

For car enthusiasts, the Bugatti Chiron set offers a chance to build a highly detailed and accurate 1:8 scale replica of the iconic hypercar. Comprising over 3,600 pieces, this model showcases intricate engineering features such as a functioning gearbox, moving pistons, and an adjustable rear spoiler. The Bugatti Chiron set is perfect for those who enjoy building complex and detailed models.

LEGO Technic Mobile Crane (42108)

The Mobile Crane set is an excellent option for builders who enjoy constructing large, functional vehicles. The model features a telescopic boom, working outriggers, and a rotating superstructure. With 1,292 pieces, this set strikes a balance between complexity and accessibility, making it suitable for younger builders as well.

LEGO Technic 4×4 X-treme Off-Roader (42099)

For off-road enthusiasts, the 4×4 X-treme Off-Roader offers a rugged and exciting building experience. Equipped with all-wheel drive, independent suspension, and a powerful motor, this model can tackle even the most challenging terrains. In addition, builders can control the Off-Roader via a smartphone app, offering endless hours of fun and exploration.

Benefits of LEGO Technic

LEGO Technic sets provide an engaging and educational experience for builders of all ages. By combining the joy of traditional LEGO building with the excitement of engineering and mechanics, LEGO Technic develops problem-solving and engineering skills. Furthermore, these sets encourage collaboration and teamwork, as builders can work together to create complex models. The intricate nature of the models also promotes mindfulness and focus, making building LEGO Technic models a relaxing and therapeutic activity.

In addition to the traditional LEGO Technic sets, there are also educational resources available for those interested in further exploring the mechanics and engineering principles behind these incredible toys. LEGO Technic also offers a range of books and online resources that provide in-depth information about the mechanics of the sets and the engineering principles they demonstrate. These resources are perfect for educators or parents looking to incorporate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) learning into their child’s education.

Discovering Innovation and Engineering with LEGO Technic

In summary, LEGO Technic provides a world of innovation and engineering for Kiwi builders of all ages. By integrating specialised pieces and app-controlled sets, LEGO Technic delivers a sophisticated building experience that challenges builders to create complex, functional models that mimic real-world machines. These sets not only teach about engineering principles but also develop problem-solving and creative thinking skills, promoting collaboration and mindfulness. Moreover, the range of models available in New Zealand caters to various interests and skill levels, from intricate construction equipment to detailed hypercars and off-road vehicles.

What makes LEGO Technic even more exciting is the educational resources available for those interested in exploring the mechanics and engineering principles behind these incredible toys. These resources are perfect for educators or parents looking to incorporate STEAM learning into their child’s education.

LEGO Technic is an innovative and exciting toy line that appeals to those interested in technology, engineering, and creative problem-solving. With its immersive and engaging building experience, LEGO Technic sets are not only fun to build but also provide a valuable educational experience that promotes STEAM learning and skill development. So whether you’re a child or an adult, LEGO Technic has something for everyone, making it the ultimate building experience for innovative Kiwi builders.


Innovating in Crisis: Five Groundbreaking Solutions That Emerged from the COVID-19 and Omicron Pandemic

The COVID-19 and Omicron pandemic has been one of the most significant challenges of our time, impacting nearly every aspect of our lives. However, it has also been a catalyst for innovation, with individuals and organizations around the world coming up with new and creative solutions to the many problems posed by the pandemic. In this blog post, we will explore five innovations that have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic began in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and quickly spread across the globe, causing widespread illness and death. Governments around the world implemented lockdowns and social distancing measures to slow the spread of the virus, but these measures also had a significant impact on the economy and daily life. However, even in the midst of this crisis, innovators rose to the challenge, using their skills and creativity to develop new solutions to the many problems posed by the pandemic.

Pandemic Innovations: Turning Adversity into Opportunity

Times of crisis often bring out the best in people; many times, they push us to innovate and find creative solutions to the problems we face. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. As its effects spread across the world, countless individuals have used their ingenuity to develop new services and products that help us all make it through this difficult time. We’ve seen a surge in online stores, contactless delivery services, virtual events platforms, and much more – all designed to keep us connected and productive during a period of intense isolation.

In doing so, these entrepreneurs have demonstrated how even in the most trying of circumstances, human creativity and ambition can still conquer adversity. When people and businesses adopted innovative strategies and mindsets, they revolutionized a sick- and pain-stricken world. Below, we will highlight five of the most innovative ideas that emerged during this global crisis.

Rapid Development of Omicron-Specific Diagnostic Tests

With the emergence of the Omicron variant, there was a need for new diagnostic tests that could distinguish it from other variants of the virus. Innovators in the medical industry worked quickly to develop new tests that could detect the unique mutations present in Omicron. These tests use innovative technologies such as CRISPR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) to quickly and accurately detect the virus. The rapid development of Omicron-specific diagnostic tests is a testament to the power of innovation in times of crisis.

Advancements in Vaccine Technology

The emergence of the Omicron variant has highlighted the need for more effective vaccines that can protect against a wide range of mutations. Innovators in the pharmaceutical industry are working to develop new vaccine technologies, such as mRNA vaccines, that could provide broader protection against variants like Omicron. These innovations have the potential to revolutionize the way we approach vaccination and could lead to a future where we are better equipped to combat infectious diseases.

Remote Healthcare Innovations

With the continued spread of COVID-19 and the emergence of new variants like Omicron, there has been an increased need for remote healthcare options. Innovators in the tech industry have developed new tools and platforms that enable patients to receive medical care from the comfort of their own homes. These innovations include telehealth platforms, remote monitoring devices, and virtual consultations. Remote healthcare innovations have the potential to increase access to medical care and improve outcomes for patients around the world.

Supply Chain Innovations

The emergence of Omicron has highlighted the importance of resilient supply chains in the medical industry. Innovators are working on new technologies and processes that could help to ensure the timely delivery of critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and personal protective equipment. These innovations include blockchain-based supply chain tracking systems, AI-powered logistics platforms, and 3D printing technologies. Supply chain innovations are critical to ensuring that we are prepared to respond to future pandemics and other global health crises.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

The spread of COVID-19 and the emergence of new variants like Omicron have generated vast amounts of data. Innovators in the tech industry are using artificial intelligence and data analytics to analyze this data and identify patterns and trends that could help to inform public health policy and improve the response to the pandemic.

These innovations include predictive analytics tools, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization platforms. Artificial intelligence and data analytics have the potential to revolutionize the way we approach public health and could lead to a future where we are better equipped to prevent and respond to global health threats.


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for individuals, businesses, and governments around the world. However, it has also been a time of incredible innovation and creativity. The five innovations we have explored in this blog post are just a few examples of the many ways in which individuals and organizations have risen to the challenge of the pandemic. From rapid diagnostic tests to AI-powered data analytics, these innovations have the potential to transform the way we approach healthcare, public health, and global crises in the future.

As we continue to navigate the pandemic and its aftermath, it is clear that innovation will be key to our success. By embracing new technologies and approaches, we can build a brighter and more resilient future for ourselves and for future generations.

Dyson airwrap

Dyson Airwrap review: How good is the innovative hair styler?

What are the pros and cons of the hair multi-styler product Dyson Airwrap? Is the all-in-one innovative product worth its price? Let’s take a closer look at the Dyson Airwrap to find out if it can live up to its good reputation.

Dyson Airwrap is a styling tool from Dyson which has quickly gained popularity. It combines powerful airflow with innovative heat control technology to style and dry your hair quickly, safely and with minimum fuss. With just one device you can create curls, waves, volume, and sleek styles without the risk of over-drying or heat damage.

It includes a range of brushes and attachments that are designed to give you the perfect look every time. In this review you can read more about advantages and disadvantages of the Dyson airwrap NZ, to decide on whether it’s worth buying or not. We will also look into each of the functions, what the results are like, and what hair types it fits. First, let’s look at the company behind this innovative hair styling tool.

What is Dyson? An introduction to the innovative British company

Dyson is a British technology company that specialises in designing and manufacturing innovative household appliances. The company was founded in 1991 by James Dyson, who is well-known for his invention of the world’s first bagless vacuum cleaner.

Today, Dyson’s product line includes a range of household appliances, such as vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, heaters, fans, hair dryers and hair styling tools, and lighting. Their products are designed with cutting-edge technology and are known for their high-quality, durability, and performance.

One of the key features of Dyson’s products is their use of advanced filtration systems. Their vacuums, for instance, use a patented cyclonic technology that separates dirt and dust from the air, capturing even the tiniest particles. This makes their products ideal for people with allergies or respiratory problems.

In addition to their household appliances, Dyson has also developed technology for use in other areas. For example, they have designed a hand dryer for public restrooms that is more hygienic and efficient than traditional hand dryers. They have also developed a bladeless fan that uses air multiplier technology to produce a smooth, uninterrupted flow of air.

Overall, Dyson is a company that is dedicated to innovation and improving people’s lives through technology. Their products are widely recognised for their performance, and they continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of household appliances.

What is Dyson Airwrap?

Dyson Airwrap was first released in 2018. It’s a multi-use hot tool for all hair types, with several different attachments for different kinds of styling. The Airwrap combines airflow with controlled heat, so that you can style and dry your hair at the same time. Thanks to the air, the hair is protected from the otherwise very high temperatures which can be damaging to the hair strands.

With the Dyson Airwrap, you can create:

  • Defined curls
  • Voluminous waves
  • A sleek look

It’s also possible to simply dry your hair quickly and easily. The tool will help your hair look healthy and put together, achieving up to 58 percent less frizz and flyaways hair, according to information on the Dyson Airwrap NZ website.

Attachments for all kinds of hairstyling

There are several attachments included with the Dyson Airwrap: a firm smoothing brush shaped like a paddle brush, a soft smoothing brush, a round volumizing brush, and a smaller barrel and a larger barrel to create curls of different sizes. Thanks to the different attachments, you can use the tool to style bangs, rough dry hair, create volume or waves, straighten your hair while drying its and much more. Thanks to its versatility, the Airwrap is suitable for all types of hairs.

Is the Dyson Airwrap NZ worth buying?

Now, the important question remains: Is the Dyson Airwrap NZ worth buying? With a price tag of $999 in New Zealand, it’s a rather large investment for most people.


  • Everything you need in one product.
  • Less damage thanks to the airflow instead of high heat.
  • Leaves your hair feeling smooth and healthy.
  • Several attachments included that can be easily swapped.


  • Expensive compared to many other styling tools.
  • Requires time to learn how to use it properly.
  • All the attachments may not come in use for your hair.
  • Some hair types may need higher heat to set a style.

In conclusion, the Dyson Airwrap has gained high popularity for a reason and is a heat tool worth investing in if you have the money to afford it. The Airwrap will likely become a natural part of your hair styling routine, leaving your hair feeling healthy. Combine it with a heat protectant and for example mousse and hairspray to maximise the results.


Louis Vuitton: A fashion house lesson in innovation

For almost two centuries, Louis Vuitton has been a leader in the luxury fashion world. Founded in 1854 by the visionary designer Louis Vuitton, the brand has become synonymous with modern style and sophistication. The house is famous for its iconic monogrammed bags, luggage, and apparel. But what sets it apart from other luxury brands is its commitment to innovation, which has helped set the tone for the entire fashion industry.

Throughout its history, Louis Vuitton has been committed to innovation and pushing the boundaries of fashion. The brand has collaborated with some of the world’s most renowned designers, helping to create unique and trend-setting pieces. It has also launched a range of tech accessories such as headphones, speakers, and phone cases. This commitment to innovation has helped to ensure that Louis Vuitton remains at the forefront of the luxury fashion industry.

From bag to brag

The story of Louis Vuitton began in 1854 when the eponymous designer opened his first store in Paris. Inspired by his passion for travel, Louis Vuitton crafted unique and innovative luggage pieces that allowed people to easily transport their belongings around the world. The distinctive monogram, which is still used today, was introduced in 1896 by his son George as a way of protecting against counterfeiting.

The brand quickly became popular with celebrities and royalty. In 1932, the brand opened its first international store in London, further cementing its position as a leader in the luxury fashion world. Today, Louis Vuitton is one of the most recognized and respected names in fashion and the company now has stores in more than 50 countries around the world. The brand is particularly popular in Europe, North America, China, and Japan, all major luxury goods markets. In addition to its physical retail stores, Louis Vuitton also operates an online store that offers customers around the world access to its products.

Innovative strategies at LV

Louis Vuitton is not only a luxury fashion brand that is known for its iconic designs and high-quality products. The brand is also recognized for its innovative approach to the fashion industry. It has developed a number of strategies to stay ahead of the curve in terms of design, technology, and sustainability. For example, the brand has incorporated LED screens into some of its handbags, and it has created a smartwatch in collaboration with Google. In addition, Louis Vuitton has developed an app that allows customers to personalize their handbags with custom colors and patterns. The brand has also developed a new type of leather made from mushrooms, as well as experimented with 3D printing to create prototypes of new designs.

Their innovative approach is also visible in their numerous collaborations. The fashion house has not only worked with the usual crowd, but also developed several collections with brands such as Nike, Supreme, and even the American basketball league NBA. It has also worked with numerous innovative creative artists, such as Takashi Murakami, Stephen Sprouse, and Jeff Koons. In 2023, Yayoi Kusama is making a re-appearance for the brand with her iconic polka dots, which are predicted to fill the fashion world with color this year.

Louis Vuitton NZ

Louis Vuitton opened its first store in New Zealand on Queen Street in Auckland in 1999. In 2003, it opened a second store on Lambton Quay in Wellington. Since then, Louis Vuitton has become a leader in the New Zealand fashion scene, with its stores offering a range of luxury clothing and accessories. In addition to its physical stores, Louis Vuitton also provides customers in New Zealand the chance to purchase items online through its website. Today, the brand is still as relevant as ever, and its collections feature more often than not at some of the most important innovation awards nz every year.


Louis Vuitton is one of the world’s most renowned luxury fashion houses. Ever since its beginnings in the mid-19th century, the brand has stood the test of time and continues to be a leader in innovation and modern style. It is now firmly established as one of New Zealand’s premier fashion labels, offering a range of high-quality clothing and accessories. With its commitment to innovation, Louis Vuitton is sure to remain a leader in the fashion world for years to come.

pb tech

PB tech – The NZ company that enables tomorrow’s innovators

In this day and age, one of the most important steps towards becoming an innovative citizen is by having access to large amounts of information. Today, the smartest way to do that is through technology. In New Zealand, the prime contributor and provider of technology to people of all ages is PB Tech.

Access to technology is essential for innovation, as it helps to bridge the gap between creativity and productivity. With technological advancements such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, it’s becoming increasingly easy to create and develop new solutions to existing problems. Innovation is also an important part of any economy, as it helps spur economic growth and can open up job opportunities for people who are interested in the field. This will not only give people the chance to become innovative, but also provide a level of economic security that would otherwise be unavailable.

How PB tech NZ is helping the next gen innovators

PB Tech was founded in New Zealand in 1993, and started as a small company that bulk bought tech pieces for other local companies. Today, they are one of the largest NZ tech providers, with several stores across the country and over 600 members of staff. The founders, Pat Huo and Brenda Yu, are even featured on the NBR List of New Zealand’s top Wealth Creators.

The company provides consumers, businesses, and government agencies with access to the latest equipment, software, and support services. They are committed to helping customers find the best value for their money by providing customers with a wide range of products, from gaming consoles to smart home devices and components for building custom PCs. PB Tech also offers a variety of services such as repairs, warranty claims, installation, and recycling. For businesses, PB Tech provides tailored solutions such as managed services and cloud-based storage.

How many stores does PB Tech have? PB tech Hornby, and more.

Over the years, PB Tech has built their IT empire not just in one or two cities. As of 2023, the company has 18 physical stores listed on their webpage. The majority of their stores are located in Auckland, including a store at the Auckland Airport for easy access to tech while travelling as well as at home. Some of their stores:

  • PB tech hamilton NZ
  • PB tech hornby
  • PB tech tauranga
  • PB tech glenfield
  • PB tech queen street

Apart from their physical stores, PB Tech also features an impressive websites, through which customers can receive immediate help, support, as well as research and order items.

Building a better world together

Access to technology is essential for innovation, especially amongst younger generations. It helps bridge the gap between creativity and productivity, allowing young people to explore new possibilities while also giving them the tools they need to turn their ideas into reality. By providing access to technology, we are helping to ensure that our future will be filled with even greater possibilities. Not only could this lead to improved economic growth, but it could also help usher in a new era of creativity and problem-solving amongst younger generations. Technology provides us with an opportunity to make the world we live in today even better than before.


New Zealand: A History Rich with Important Innovations and Ideas

New Zealand has always been a country that nurtures creativity and ingenuity among its people. People who think outside the box are appreciated and celebrated here.

A nation rich in innovative history, its impact can be traced among every part of human civilization, from agriculture to medicine, engineering to technology, and pretty much any other sectors you can think of.

New Zealanders have been at the forefront of many important innovations that have changed and shaped humanity into what it is today.

Today, we’re going to take a look at some important innovations from New Zealand, and some prominent Kiwi figures who inspire innovators all around the globe.

Some Important Innovations from New Zealand That Changed the World

Let’s talk about several fields where the contribution of Kiwi innovators changed the world and continues to do so.

Shaping the World of Medicine

New Zealand-born scientists Maurice Wilkins, John Kendrew, and Max Perutz were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology, or Medicine, for their work on the structure of biological macromolecules, specifically nucleic acids.

Their research laid the foundation for modern molecular biology and genetic research, which has led to new treatments and therapies for many diseases. Today’s medicine wouldn’t be possible without their contribution.

Pioneering Renewable Energy and Fighting Climate Change

New Zealand is one of the world’s leading producers of geothermal energy, which is generated by harnessing the energy spewed by Mother Earth. It’s one of a few countries that generates more than 15% of its total electricity from geothermal energy sources.

A New Zealand-based company, Fluid Design, has developed a new type of wind turbine that is more efficient and can be made at a lower cost than traditional turbines. This can potentially make wind power plants more affordable and accessible.

The New Zealand-based company LanzaTech has developed a breakthrough process for converting carbon-rich gases into ethanol and other valuable chemicals.

These ideas can help humankind in its fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Innovative Ideas in the World of Transportation

Bruce Leslie McLaren, a Kiwi engineer, and innovator, is still remembered today for his contribution to car technology. And his name has stayed with the automotive and sports-racing brand, McLaren, the most successful team in Formula One championship history.

Bill Hamilton, a New Zealand engineer, developed the Hamilton Jet, a propulsion system that is widely used today in high-speed boats and other watercraft. This innovation has led to faster and more efficient water transportation, having a significant impact on industries such as tourism and shipping.

Gibbs Amphibians, an automotive brand from New Zealand, is the current leader in high-speed amphibious vehicles in the market.

Prominent Innovators from New Zealand Who Shaped the World as It Is

Here are some prominent New Zealanders whose creativity and important innovations shaped the world as it is.

Colin Murdoch

Murdoch, pharmacist and inventor, owner of 46 patents, used to wake up from dreams with innovative ideas floating in his mind. He is best known for inventing the disposable hypodermic syringe, the plastic disposable dropper, and the child-resistant safety cap, among many other useful things.

Before, syringes were made of glass and had to be sterilised after each use, which was time-consuming and ineffective. Murdoch’s disposable syringe greatly reduced the risk of infection and is still used worldwide.

Murdoch also invented the plastic dropper and the child-resistant safety cap, commonly used everywhere today.

Sir Ernest Rutherford

One of the most prominent nuclear physicists in history, Sir Ernest Rutherford, won the Nobel Prize in 1908 for his work on the disintegration of the elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances. He discovered the nucleus of atoms, among other important scientific innovations.

His works laid the foundation for today’s nuclear physics, and the nuclear energy tech stands on his groundwork.

Richard Pearse

He is credited for building and flying one of the world’s first aeroplanes. He pioneered aviation and propelled it into the future, leaving his mark on history.

Sir Peter Jackson

Last but not least, Sir Peter Jackson, known to the world as a master filmmaker of the twenty-first century, enriched and transformed filmmaking with his innovative use of visual effects technologies. What he achieved with the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies set a new standard for special effects and motion capture and changed the film industry forever.

A Note Before We End…

From the early days of Richard Pearse and his aeroplane to the latest technology developed by RocketLab and Robotic Skies, New Zealanders have shown that their ingenuity and creativity are not limited by the relatively small size of their population.

With a supportive environment for startups, a focus on science and technology, and a community that inspires and encourages creative thinkers, New Zealand is set to continue to be a leader in innovation and a source of important contributions to the world.

Innovations NZ

A guide to why you should implement innovative strategies and goals in your business 

While innovation is a nice word, it might feel daunting to begin implementing actual innovative strategies in your business. In this article, we’ll help you understand why these types of strategies can help you, as well as why New Zealand is the perfect place to do so. 

What is innovation? 

At its core, innovation is the concept of trying something new. The very best innovations are not just new for the sake of being new, but are presented as the solution to a problem. This can take the form of a new product, a new business model or process, or even a small change in how you run business meetings. In other words, it’s a way of breaking barriers and changing the status quo. By doing so, it creates value. 

But more than just the product, service, or other outcomes that are often associated with the word innovation, the concept is just as much about having an innovative outlook. If you tackle issues and projects at work with the attitude that something new and meaningful is possible, and that change is part of the process, that allows for a freer business model which can be more resilient and healthy.  

Why should we care about innovation? 

All around the world, businesses are changing their budgets and calendars in order to focus on innovation. But does innovation actually matter? And even if it does, why should we care about it? 

There has been a large range of studies on the effect of innovation on businesses and markets, both from the perspective of revenue and general financial health. Overall, the studies show that there is a large range of positive impacts from implementing innovative strategies. For example, innovative businesses are more resilient. The Boston Consultancy Group found that the global top 50 businesses were able to recover a lot faster during the pandemic, where they outperformed the 2020 market by 17 percentage points.  

There is also the case of increased competitive advantage and business growth. Companies with a clear focus on innovation will attract workers with a strong affinity for development. Attracting stronger workers will lead the company towards a stronger goal orientation which will most likely increase efficiency and productivity, thus leading to business growth. 

Related to the previous point, companies that do not focus on innovation will soon lag behind. Not only has innovation become an “it”-word in global literature and seminars, but a study by BCG also found that 75 per cent of global companies list innovation as one of their top three priorities. As the concept of innovation grows in popularity, businesses that fall behind in prioritizing it risk losing out on the market to those who do.  

How can you implement innovative strategies in your business? 

So, what can you do to bring more innovation to your company or project? There are several good innovation strategies out there, but we will mention a few here. 

  • Set a clear goal. The first step to bringing everyone on board the innovation train is to create a common goal. Perhaps it’s a value goal, such as working to create valuable solutions rather than focusing on material goals. Perhaps the goal is more hands-on for reaching a certain solution or even becoming nominated for an innovation award.  
  • Interdisciplinary processes. Innovation happens when people work together. Therefore, bring diverse sectors to your project evaluations. Bring different groups, both from within the company and external members (such as customers or supply chain partners), together to evaluate and brainstorm projects. This will also build a sense of overarching purpose, rather than individual and isolated group efforts. 
  • Innovative friendly leadership. Innovation is about taking risks. This also means that the company needs to be a space where employees feel supported when trying new ideas. Therefore, the leadership needs to be supportive and encourage experimentation without penalizing it.  

Incorporating Innovation New Zealand NZ 

New Zealand is one of the top countries in the world that have managed to promote innovation and growth in its national economic strategy. It is among the top freest economies in the world, so it is easy to start a business as well as promote innovations NZ in the Oceanian state. Building on these market foundations, there are also innovation funding programs such as the NZIB that aid innovative Kiwi start-up companies. 

There is also a social foundation for innovation in the country. The most innovative companies tend to be the most diverse. New Zealand almost always stands out in global diversity and equality rankings, thus providing fertile grounds for innovative ideas and cooperation to sprout.  

As we’ve mentioned in a different article, New Zealand not only makes it easy to be innovative but is also very good at celebrating it. There are plenty of innovation awards New Zealand where both large and small companies can compete and be recognized. The wide array of NZ innovation awards is also a clever part of a larger innovation promotion strategy, as research has found that these types of events also help improve the public’s perception of the public sector.